
Painting/Art/Drawing | Kids Activities Center Thane | Playgroup & Daycare Thane
Art fosters creative growth, builds motor skills, offers stress relief and nurtures emotional growth. This is an inherent activity held at Angel Keepers on daily basis.

EQ & Fitness – Mother Toddler | AngelKeepers Daycare Provider in Thane -after school Playgroup & Playschool Activities
First Steps together or MTP helps to deepen the bond , learning skills in a fun way for both parent and the child.

Dance – Classical, Western | Kids Activities Center Thane | Playgroup & Daycare Thane
Dance helps in fitness, agility, flexibility apart from aiding to build stage confidence and social strength. Regular classes are held at Angel Keepers.

Music – Guitar, Keyboard | AngelKeepers Daycare Provider in Thane -after school Playgroup & Playschool Activities
Learning to play a musical instrument enhances verbal memory, spatial, reasoning and literacy skills. It makes the child use both sides of the brain. Angel Keepers has qualified faculty for the Angels at the Daycare.

Speech & Drama / Theatre | Kids Activities Center Thane | Playgroup & Daycare Thane
Angel Keepers introduces a programme affiliated to Trinity College of London. The specialized workshops enhance a child’s Imagination, Confidence, Communication Skills, Public Speech, Oratory Skills, Body Language & Acting Skills etc.

Karate | Kids Activities Center Thane | Playgroup & Daycare Thane
A workout/ self defense class to build physical strength, learn the technique to safeguard self. Angel Keepers has separate instructors for boys & girls.

Tuition classes help to support/ nurture a child’s academic/ cerebral growth. A consistent/ regular coaching makes a child prepared for the syllabus / portion apart from developing love for learning.

Zumba – Kids & Ladies | Kids Activities Center Thane | Playgroup & Daycare Thane
Zumba is a powerful exercise that helps to burn calories, tone your entire body, improves coordination and helps to de-stress in a fun way. Angel Keepers provides facility / instructors for both, Kids & Ladies.

Fastrac Kids | AngelKeepers Daycare Provider in Thane -after school Playgroup & Playschool Activities
Angel Keepers has introduced a US based digital interactive programme for children. The programme imparts learning skills for lifetime including application of knowledge, speaking & leadership skills and personality development.

Christmas Camp | Kids Activities Center Thane
Santa Clause annually visits our Angels and fills them with goodies, happiness, light & might! Entire Daycare is painted red in spirits to welcome the most special guest – Santa Clause. Carols, Cake, Celebrations all around - let pictures speak the rest.
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Diwali Camp | Kids Activities Center Thane
Aptly called Festival of Lights – Diwali Time is utilized to develop learning skills to usher in the New Year with newness in everything – clothes, activities, behavior, camps, games etc.
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Summer Camp | AngelKeepers Daycare Provider in Thane -after school Playgroup & Playschool Activities
Holiday time during Summers are perhaps the most busy days at the Daycare. Kids are buzzing with energy to discover, explore & learn multiple things. Have a look!
View GalleryWe celebrate birthdays as a token of gratitude for this beautiful life each child is blessed with. We celebrate the special day of each child at the daycare in a grand way by not just dressing up, making culinary delights and exchanging gifts but giving a child a platform to receive good wishes, love and blessings from all their friends and teachers.

Cake Cutting | AngelKeepers Daycare Provider in Thane -after school Playgroup & Playschool Activities
As a ritual, birthday kids cut the delicacy as a token of celebration.

Birthday Celebration
We celebrate birthdays as a token of gratitude for this beautiful life each child is blessed with.

Return Gifts | Kids Activities Center Thane
Gifts are a mere token, a material gesture to make kids happy. We all love to receive gifts and our angels wait till the end of the party to catch a glimpse of their parting gift.

Daycare is decorated with balloons, greetings, party propz etc to make a child feel special.